Integrated Enterprise 6 Key Roadblocks
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In recent years, the rise of AI has made a solid IT strategy more essential than ever. Being an integrated enterprise isn’t just a nice-to-have anymore—it’s critical. Why? Because a unified approach to operations and decision-making boosts efficiency, improves data access, and helps you stay agile in a fast-changing market. 

That said, implementing an integration strategy isn’t easy. In fact, Mulesoft’s latest research shows that only 26% of organizations deliver a fully connected user experience across all channels. In today’s article, we’ll explore the main challenges of becoming an integrated enterprise.  

What Is an Integrated Enterprise? 

Let’s break down what it really means to be an integrated enterprise. Also called Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), this model connects various IT systems, apps, and software to work seamlessly together.  

But integration isn’t just about streamlining processes. It’s also about breaking down knowledge barriers across departments. By keeping information flowing and fostering a unified approach, EAI encourages collaboration across the entire organization. It doesn’t just make business more efficient; it builds a more connected and collaborative culture. 

What Are the Biggest Barriers to Enterprise Integration? 

Despite its many benefits, becoming an integrated enterprise has its challenges. In fact, 98% of IT leaders face challenges when trying to implement an EAI strategy. Here are the six most common roadblocks: 

1. Data Silos 

2. Skill Gaps 

3. Compatibility Issues 

4. Scalability Challenges 

5. Cost Implications 

6. Security Concerns 

We’ll break down each of these challenges and how to tackle them. 

1. Data Silos 

One of the biggest challenges in enterprise integration is dealing with data silos—information that’s stuck in isolated systems. This affects 34% of IT leaders and causes a host of issues: 

– Access Problems: Teams struggle to find and use important information when it’s locked away in specific departments or systems. 

– Inefficiencies: Repetitive tasks—like entering the same customer data across multiple systems—slow down operations. 

– Inconsistencies: Different systems might have conflicting versions of the same data, like mismatched inventory levels between sales and warehouse teams. 

To solve this, you need a unified data management strategy. Integration platforms can help sync real-time data across systems by creating a central information hub. Of course, implementing this properly requires technical expertise—and that’s where Inclusion Cloud comes in. Contact us today, and let’s find the right integration strategy for your business! 

2. Skill Gaps  

Skill gaps are a usual difficulty for an integrated enterprise. Basically, this refers to the lack of necessary expertise among employees to effectively use and manage integrated systems. This can hinder the implementation and operation of new integration platforms, leading to inefficiencies and delays.   

38% of IT leaders report facing difficulties applying EAI strategies due to the lack of skill sets and experience within their teams. However, this can be overcome through nearshore outsourcing.  An external group of highly qualified software engineers not only can help you solve the skill gaps, but also bring in methodologies and work cultures that will transform your business without you losing control over your project.  

3. Compatibility Issues  

Compatibility issues are another cause of integration failure and less-than-optimal performance. This kind of problem surges from the incompatibility between the different systems and application protocols, formats, and technologies. This could be produced by various factors. However, 34% of IT leaders signal the use of obsolete infrastructure and systems as a usual burden in EAI projects.   

This kind of problem can also produce data silos since that information stagnant due to the impossibility of translating it. This generates a vicious circle in which information is both restrained and useless. But this could be solved with standardization practices for data formats and communication protocols through middleware systems that properly translate and manage system interactions.   

4. Scalability Challenges  

As we have said, EAI is essential when business grows to a certain level. Systems are initially designed to handle a specific volume of data. But once this is surpassed, an enterprise faces serious scalability challenges that hinder the integration process. This is a serious problem for growing businesses, since it leads to performance bottlenecks and disruptions.  

Here, the best choice to achieve an integrated enterprise is to use cloud-based integration platforms due to their flexible scalability options. 35% of IT leaders signal that these platforms’ AI tools could leverage the ability to scale. And the reason for this is that they can automate tasks like monitoring system performance and real-time upgrading infrastructure to accommodate growing data and transaction volumes.   

5. Cost Implications  

Budget constraints are another burden to achieve an integrated enterprise. Of course, it is important for every business to create a budget plan, keeping in mind integration costs. It is true that they could be expensive due to software, hardware, consulting, and maintenance costs. However, EAI is not only an expenditure but an investment.  

The reason for this is that integration benefits aren’t just internal. As 45% of IT leaders point out, EAI implementation also increases ROI. And the reason for this is that integration leverages the full potential of your resources by unifying systems and facilitates access to vital information. This way, you can increase customer interaction, have a better visibility of operations, and automate tasks to focus on core areas of your business.   

6. Security Concerns  

Integrating multiple systems increases the chances of a security breach since transferring data across different platforms could expose it to potential threats. That’s why security is one of the biggest concerns in an integration strategy. Therefore, the best thing to do is to ensure data security and privacy by implementing key security measures like encryption, secure APIs and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).  

Struggling with your integration project? We’re here to help

As we’ve seen, having an integrated enterprise is key to today’s business landscape. It not only creates a more efficient business model but also reshapes the workplace culture. By democratizing information, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) transforms how different departments communicate, fostering a level of teamwork like never before. 

Of course, the road to full integration comes with its own set of challenges, and these vary based on your organization’s vision and needs. That’s why having the right tech consultancy on your side is crucial for planning a tailored integration strategy. At Inclusion Cloud, we’re ready to help you take your business to the next level. Reach out to us today and let’s get started. And don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date with the latest in AI and tech trends! 

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