AI in Law: Is Artificial Intelligence Your Future Lawyer?

Lawyers are increasingly identified as a profession at risk due to AI advancements. The primary reason is clear: The main tool for lawyers is language, and today’s advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) are highly effective at summarizing, analyzing, and processing text. In fact, researchers from institutions like Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and New York University have suggested that the legal field ranks among the top four professions most susceptible to AI disruption

So, if you’re a lawyer, is it time to be worried? 

In this article, we will try to unveil the current state of AI in the law industry, the trends, and the profound impact of AI on the way of working in the legal industry. This new paradigm is not only changing how legal work is done, but it is also changing staffing trends inside law firms. There is a growing need for digital experts, particularly data engineers and AI specialists, to successfully manage, analyze, and use these innovative technologies.  

And above all, we want to answer the question: Is AI set to be your next lawyer?  

AI in Law: A Growing Force in Legal Workplaces

Professionals are mostly bullish on how AI can impact their daily tasks. A Thomson Reuters report underscores the significant impact of AI on the legal profession. According to the report, more than 67% of legal professionals predict that the emergence of AI and generative AI will bring about either a transformational or a high-impact change in their field within the next five years. This figure notably surpasses the second-most cited factor by a considerable 14%: The potential economic recession and the accompanying cost of living crisis, which stands at 53%. Such statistics highlight the expected profound influence of AI on the legal industry, emphasizing the need for legal professionals to adapt to the changing technological landscape

According to the report, the top priorities for law firms, such as productivity (75%), internal efficiency (50%), and recruitment & retention (44%), align closely with the areas where AI can have the most impact. This alignment suggests that AI solutions are not only desirable but necessary for addressing the core challenges facing law firms today. 

The emphasis on productivity is particularly telling. AI’s role in automating large-scale data analysis and handling nonbillable administrative tasks can significantly enhance productivity. By freeing up time for fee earners, AI allows them to focus more on billable work, potentially increasing revenue even if rates are reduced. This aspect directly addresses the top priority of law firms. 

The optimism about AI driving operational improvements is well-founded, as AI can streamline internal processes, thereby addressing the second most important priority of internal efficiency. AI’s ability to perform tasks with greater accuracy and speed can reduce inefficiencies and recapture revenue lost in write-offs. 

It’s clear that the legal industry expects a major shift in how work is done. This expectation surpasses concerns about economic challenges, highlighting the legal industry’s recognition of the critical role of AI in shaping its future. This high expectation of profound AI influence on the legal industry underscores an urgent need for legal professionals to adapt. This adaptation involves not only integrating AI tools into their practices but also developing an understanding of AI capabilities and limitations. And professionals who can leverage these tools effectively will likely gain a competitive edge.  

The Arrival of AI in the Legal Field

AI’s evolution in the legal industry represents a transformative journey that began with simple automation and has since evolved into a sophisticated tool with an amazing power to process words and execute tasks. The initial phases, dating back to the early 2000s, saw rudimentary forms of automation and digitization, primarily in legal research. This period marked the foundational use of technology in law, with platforms like LexisNexis and Westlaw revolutionizing how lawyers accessed and processed legal information. 

The real game-changer came with the introduction of more advanced AI technologies, such as machine learning and NLP. These technologies, emerging prominently in the mid-2010s, allowed for deeper data analysis, predictive analytics, and more efficient document review processes. A landmark development was the introduction of IBM’s Watson in 2011, which, although not initially designed for legal purposes, demonstrated the potential of AI in processing and analyzing large volumes of complex data. 

The later years saw a surge in AI-powered legal tech startups. Companies like Kira Systems (founded in 2011) and ROSS Intelligence (founded in 2014) began offering sophisticated tools for contract analysis and legal research, respectively. Kira Systems, for instance, uses machine learning to extract and analyze text in contracts, providing insights and speeding up the due diligence process. ROSS Intelligence leveraged AI to sift through legal documents, helping lawyers find relevant case law and statutes more efficiently. 

By the late 2010s, AI’s role had expanded into predictive analytics, with tools like Lex Machina (acquired by LexisNexis in 2015) offering insights into legal trends and outcomes based on historical data analysis. This period also saw a rise in the use of AI for compliance and risk management, addressing the increasing complexity of regulatory environments. 

The ethical considerations of using AI in legal practices started gaining attention around this time as well. Issues surrounding bias, transparency, and the ethical use of AI led to the formation of various guidelines and discussions within the legal community. For example, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), implemented in 2018, brought significant focus on data privacy and AI’s role in compliance

As of the early 2020s, AI is not just an auxiliary tool but a central element in legal tech innovation. The ongoing collaboration between technology companies and legal firms continues to refine and tailor AI applications to meet the industry’s specific needs. 

LLMs and legal software

The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into the legal industry has been equally transformative. Recent advancements, especially models like GPT-3, have introduced new capabilities in legal argumentation and reasoning. In 2023 and 2024, a variety of generative AI tools have been launched, specifically trained for the legal industry, each enhancing different aspects of legal work: 

Thompson Reuters tools:

Thomson Reuters has launched a series of generative AI tools, including AI-assisted research on Westlaw Precision for efficient legal research, and the CoCounsel Core, a commercial AI legal assistant. These initiatives are underpinned by the Thomson Reuters Generative AI Platform, a cloud-native technology platform that facilitates rapid development and deployment of gen AI skills.  


LexisNexis and Lex Machina, two giants in the legal research arena, offer powerful tools fueled by AI but cater to slightly different needs. LexisNexis, the veteran, stands as a comprehensive research library, meticulously curated with cases, statutes, news, and even business data. Its AI arm, Lex Machina, which joined the family in 2015, zooms in on litigation, wielding a scalpel of analytics to dissect cases, track judges, and predict trends. Imagine LexisNexis as a vast, meticulously organized warehouse of legal knowledge, while Lex Machina is the cutting-edge lab where that knowledge is transformed into actionable insights.  


Everlaw has launched an AI assistant that significantly enhances the capabilities of its legal technology platform. This assistant utilizes OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models to provide a suite of advanced features for legal professionals. It includes document summarization, entity extraction, sentiment analysis, and open-ended queries, allowing legal teams to swiftly navigate and understand complex legal documents. Integrated with Everlaw’s Storybuilder, this tool aids in developing concise, fact-based case narratives and streamlining the entire litigation process.  

Harvey AI:

Developed by AI startup Harvey and co-founded by Gabriel Pereyra and Winston Weinberg, exemplifies the growing influence of generative AI in various sectors. Designed as a legal copilot, Harvey AI is a large language model trained to assist lawyers in a wide range of legal tasks across different practice areas, jurisdictions, and legal systems. It processes and responds to user queries in natural language, drawing on a vast dataset that includes general legal information, public cases, and law reference materials. 

Harvey AI’s capabilities extend to legal research, contract analyses, litigation support, due diligence, and regulatory compliance, thanks to its foundation in machine learning and natural language processing. What sets Harvey AI apart is its customizable nature, allowing it to be further trained with a specific law firm’s data, leading to more tailored recommendations and predictions. This customization makes Harvey AI a highly adaptable tool for various legal settings. 

How Law Firms Are Adopting AI

Now, let’s jump into the details. Here’s how AI is changing day-to-day operations in the legal industry: 

1. Document analysis and review:

One of the remarkable changes AI has brought is in the domain of document analysis and review. Tools like Luminance, developed by Slaughter and May in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, have redefined document analysis. AI systems are being integrated to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of document handling. These systems use advanced algorithms to find key elements in documents, helping in due diligence, real estate documentation, and compliance with regulations like GDPR. This adoption of AI not only speeds up the review process but also improves the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the analyses. 

2. Contract intelligence:

AI tools in this area are designed to scan contracts and legal documents, extracting and presenting critical information. This technology aids in visualizing risks, applying risk policies, and offering in-depth insights into contractual obligations and potential issues. The versatility of these AI systems, including their ability to aid in GDPR compliance, marks a significant advancement in legal tech.  

3. Legal adviser support

AI-powered legal advisers like ROSS, developed using IBM’s Watson, are changing the way lawyers conduct research. Lawyers can ask AI assistant questions in natural language, and the system reviews relevant law, gathers evidence, and provides highly relevant, evidence-based answers.  

4. Predictive analytics

AI algorithms have proven their worth in predicting case outcomes. Researchers at various universities applied AI algorithms to analyze judicial decisions, achieving impressive accuracy in predicting case outcomes. These AI systems are, however, reliant on the quality of the data collected and analyzed. 

5. Public legal education

AI is also being used to enhance public legal education. Projects like LawBot aim to help ordinary people understand complex legal problems and decide on appropriate legal actions. These innovations, though in their early phases, hold the potential to empower individuals with legal knowledge

6. Impact on organizational structure

The adoption of AI is likely to change the organizational structure of law firms. Recruitment may decrease for certain entry-level roles, but the need for tech professionals to implement and monitor AI systems will grow.  

7. Lower costs

One of the primary objectives of adopting AI in law firms is to reduce costs. AI systems can handle repetitive tasks, freeing up highly trained professionals to focus on more valuable analysis and negotiation.  

In conclusion, AI is disrupting the legal profession in many different ways, ranging from document analysis to contract intelligence and predictive analytics. It enables lawyers to work more efficiently, deliver higher accuracy, and explore new opportunities for legal services. However, it also demands adaptation to the legal industry’s new responsibilities, organizational structures, and pricing models. As the legal profession adopts artificial intelligence, it must find a balance between efficiency advantages, the need for human abilities, and ethical concerns. 

Staffing Trends: Do Law Firms Need Tech Talents?

The need for tech-savvy talent has become clearer than ever. But why do law firms need professionals with a deep understanding of technology, data, and software? The answer is simple: these tech talents are the driving force behind innovation and the right implementation of these highly efficient legal tools. 

In this digital era, the contributions of data scientists, legal tech experts, IT specialists, and cybersecurity professionals are not peripheral; they are the backbone of legal services in the age of AI. They are the ones who ensure client satisfaction, give law firms a competitive edge, and, most importantly, safeguard sensitive information with utmost diligence. 

But here’s the point: achieving this level of technical expertise doesn’t always require an in-house team. This is where IT outsourcing comes into play, offering law firms a flexible and hyperspecialized solution. It’s about making a strategic choice to bring in tech talent when needed, harnessing their expertise, and reaping the benefits. 

In an industry where innovation and data integrity are paramount, the verdict is clear: the inclusion of tech talents, whether in-house or through nearshore IT outsourcing, isn’t just beneficial; it’s a necessity for legal firms

The Concerns and Risks of AI in Law

While the demand for tech talent in law firms grows and the integration of AI into legal services becomes increasingly important, it’s crucial to also acknowledge and carefully consider the set of concerns and risks that go with the adoption of AI in the legal profession. These aspects are pivotal for keeping ethical standards, ensuring accuracy, and protecting client confidentiality in this evolving landscape: 

Ethical implications and data security

One of the foremost concerns revolves around ethics and data security. AI systems, while powerful, can sometimes generate incorrect or biased information. In the legal world, where precision is critical, relying on AI-generated content can lead to unintended ethical dilemmas. Moreover, handling sensitive legal data raises questions about security and confidentiality

The risk of over-reliance

While AI has made significant strides in understanding and generating legal content, it’s important to acknowledge its limitations. Over-reliance on AI for complex legal matters can be risky. Lawyers must maintain their critical thinking and expertise to ensure that AI-generated content aligns with legal standards and regulations.  

The Verdict: Will AI Replace Lawyers?

The big question on everyone’s mind is whether AI will eventually replace lawyers or simply complement their work. The current trajectory suggests that AI is best suited as an adjunct to the legal profession, enhancing rather than supplanting human expertise. 

AI’s role in the legal sector is primarily seen in streamlining routine tasks such as document review and research. This technological aid allows lawyers to concentrate on the more nuanced and intricate aspects of their work, where their judgment and expertise are irreplaceable. For instance, while AI can assist with the factual analysis of a case, strategic planning, empathetic client interactions, and courtroom advocacy remain firmly in the domain of human lawyers. 

Another exciting frontier is AI’s potential to democratize legal services. By automating certain processes, AI can make legal assistance more accessible and affordable, thereby bridging the gap in access to legal expertise. AI-driven tools, such as chatbots or online platforms, can provide basic legal information and guidance. These tools can be especially beneficial for people who may not have the means or the time to consult a lawyer for every legal query. For example, AI can help individuals understand their legal rights, draft simple legal documents, or prepare for legal proceedings. 

In conclusion, AI is not set to replace lawyers; rather, it is poised to enhance their abilities. AI integration raises a few challenges, including moral questions, data security concerns, and the risk of over-reliance on technology. Overcoming these obstacles will be essential to ensure that AI is a useful tool in the legal area.  

Adopting AI as a supplement to traditional legal practice opens the door to a more efficient and accessible legal system. It’s a move that needs careful thought and a balanced approach to ensure that, while using the benefits of technology, we continue to value and safeguard the essential human parts of legal practice. 

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