Service-Oriented Architecture: A Necessity In 2025?

service-oriented architecture

Today’s businesses face increasing complexity in their IT ecosystems, from legacy systems to rapidly evolving SaaS platforms. While there are many ways to approach these difficulties, one of the most common is service-oriented architecture (SOA).  

This is a powerful solution for complex digital ecosystems, enabling modular, reusable services that streamline development and integration. But what exactly is a SOA? What are its components and benefits? In this article, we’ll explore the basics of service-oriented architecture and how organizations can benefit from it in our increasingly challenging technological landscape. 

What is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

A Service-Oriented Architecture (or SOA) is a software design approach that structures applications using reusable, self-contained services connected via standard communication protocols (e.g. SOAP). Each of these services performs a specific business function and can be reused or combined across systems.  

So, in short, a SOA promotes flexibility, scalability, and modularity by enabling independent development, testing, and deployment of services. This way, applications interact with services through defined interfaces, reducing dependencies on implementation details.  

Basic principles of a service-oriented architecture

Standardized Service Contract

Each service in SOA is defined by a service contract, which is a formal description of their functionality and how it should be interacted with. These contracts are often documented using formats like WSDL (Web Services Description Language).  

This standardization is crucial, since it ensures that service consumers know exactly what to expect from the service. This way, it makes it easier to integrate and interact with multiple services across different platforms. 

Loose Coupling

Loose coupling in SOAs means that services interact with each other through well-defined interfaces, without relying on the internal workings of each other. This reduces dependencies, so they can be updated, replaced, or modified without affecting other parts of the system.  

For example, if you change the logic of one service, other services that consume it don’t need to be altered, which promotes flexibility and scalability. 


Abstraction hides the complexity of a service’s implementation. Consumers of a service interact with it based on the contract and do not need to know how the service performs its tasks. For instance, a payment processing service might take in payment details and return a success or failure response, but the consumer doesn’t need to know how the payment is processed or validated. This makes services simpler to use and maintain. 


Services are designed to be generic and modular to be reused in multiple applications or business processes. Instead of creating new functions for each system, services encapsulate specific business logic that can be reused across different projects. This reduces development effort, as developers don’t need to build the same functionality repeatedly. 


Each service is autonomous, meaning it manages its own operations and data. Services don’t rely on or share internal data with other services, and they don’t maintain any session information about previous interactions. This independence ensures that they can operate without the risk of interference from other services, making them easier to maintain and scale. 


Services can be easily discovered through service registries or metadata documents, which describe the services and how to access them. This enables developers to quickly locate available services and integrate them into their applications, whether they are internal services or third-party services. This makes SOA more efficient by reducing the effort needed to find reusable components. 


Services in SOA can be combined or composed to create more complex operations. For example, a customer service application could use multiple services (payment, inventory, customer data) to process an order.  

On the other hand, service orchestration and choreography refer to the ways in which services can be combined to perform larger business functions. This composability makes SOA a powerful approach for building flexible, scalable, and complex systems that can easily evolve over time. 

What are the components of a service-oriented architecture?

Now let’s talk about the components of a service-oriented architecture. While we obviously have the service and the consumer, there are other elements between them. That’s why we summarized them on the following table

Component Description
Service The basic building blocks of SOA, can be private or public. They perform specific business functions.
Service Implementation The code that defines the logic behind a service, such as user authentication or bill calculation.
Service Contract Defines the service’s nature, terms, conditions, and rules for usage, including service quality.
Service Interface The point of interaction for services or systems to invoke the service, reducing dependencies.
Service Provider The entity that creates, maintains, and offers services to be consumed by others.
Service Consumer The entity (system, application, or other service) that requests a service from the provider.
Service Registry A directory of available services, containing descriptions and communication details for easy discovery.

How does a SOA work?

As we saw, in a SOA, services work independently and provide functionality or data exchanges to consumers. Basically, the system consists of consumers sending input data to the service. Then, this last one processes the data, performs the task, and sends back a response. 

So, what’s central here are the communication protocols between them. These are established rules that determine data transmission over a network, and it’s possible to use more than one protocol within a SOA implementation. Some of the standard protocols are: 

Protocol Description When to Use
SOAP XML-based protocol ensuring secure, reliable communication with advanced features like transactions. For systems needing strict standards and security (e.g. finance).
RESTful HTTP Lightweight, uses HTTP and JSON/XML for simple, scalable data exchange. For web apps requiring speed and simplicity.
Apache Thrift Framework enabling high-performance, cross-language communication with generated service code. For multi-language systems with high efficiency.
Apache ActiveMQ Message broker supporting reliable, asynchronous communication via queues or topics. For workflows needing message-driven communication.
Java Message Service Java API for asynchronous messaging using point-to-point or publish-subscribe models. For Java apps requiring decoupled services.

What are the pros and cons of a SOA?

Now, like any other software design, a SOA has its pros and cons. Of course, these vary depending on your business’ particular circumstances and needs. However, we summarized the main strong and weak points of any service-oriented architecture in the following table: 

Pros Cons
1: Faster Time to Market 1: Limited Scalability
Reusable services allow rapid assembly of applications, reducing development time and costs. Shared resources and coordination between services can slow down the system as usage grows.
2: Efficient Maintenance 2: Increasing Interdependencies
Smaller, modular services are easier to update, debug, and modify without affecting other parts. Over time, complex service dependencies make modifications or debugging more challenging.
3: Greater Adaptability 3: Single Point of Failure
SOA supports modernizing applications by integrating new technologies with legacy systems. Centralized components like the ESB can halt communication if they fail, affecting all services.
4: Reuse of Legacy Systems 4: Complex Debugging
Older systems can be exposed as services and extended to new platforms or markets. Circular dependencies or loops between services make troubleshooting difficult.
5: Improved Collaboration 5: Performance Overhead
Business services are defined in clear terms, enabling better communication between IT and other teams. Centralized databases or resources can slow down operations in high-traffic scenarios.

Can SOA be used to achieve automation?

Now, businesses are increasingly looking to automate some of their workloads by incorporating AI technology. In this regard, a SOA itself does not directly address automation, but it does provide a flexible framework to support it. By enabling reusable coupled services, it facilitates the automation of business processes through service orchestration and workflow integration.  

So, in other words, this kind of software architecture can expose AI models or functionalities as services, such as predictive analytics, natural language processing, or recommendation systems. These AI services can be orchestrated with existing SOA services to automate decision-making and enhance processes, helping to achieve intelligent automation efficiently. 

So yes, SOA are very useful but, when we talk about AI adoption and automation, you’ll also need other processes to build the necessary framework for this digital transformation. Otherwise, you will be only spending money on SaaS apps that your teams won’t be able to use, fostering shadow IT and other problems that will undermine your organization’s efficiency. 

But don’t worry. At Inclusion Cloud we can help you create digital foundations to incorporate AI. Let’s meet and start together the integration process you need to both take the most out of your service-oriented architecture and create the framework to automate your workflows and remain competitive in an ever-changing market! 

And don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated with the latest industry news and trends! 


AWS – What is service-oriented architecture? 

Oracle – What Is SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)? 

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