5 Common Misunderstandings About Digital Strategy

In this article, we will debunk five of the most prevalent misconceptions about digital strategy, shedding light on their keys and focus, and highlighting the pivotal role played by technology, humans, and strategy itself. By addressing these misunderstandings head-on, we aim to empower you to navigate the realm of digital transformation with confidence, enabling your organization to reap the full benefits of this transformative journey. 

But first, we want to define what is a digital strategy.  

What Is a Digital Strategy?

At its core, a digital strategy outlines an organization’s priority initiatives for future investments in digital technology. It aims to make the business more competitive by leveraging the power of digitalization, transforming processes, and even revisiting the business model. While digital strategy often focuses on technology, it should encompass practical implementation considerations, including managing data, resources, employees, and the inevitable changes that arise during the introduction of new technology.  

The Goals of Digital Strategy

The overarching objective of a digital strategy is to enhance an organization’s business effectiveness. It is not restricted to a single area but instead aims to improve a wide range of business functions, including sales, marketing, new product development, supply chain management, and operational business management.   

Next, we will explore the 5 misconceptions that decision-makers tend to fall into when it comes to an organization’s digital strategy

Misunderstanding 1: Digital Strategy Is Solely About Technology

One of the most significant misconceptions about digital strategy is that it revolves solely around technology. According to Gartner, while technology is undoubtedly a critical enabler, a successful digital strategy encompasses much more. It goes beyond implementing new tools and platforms; it involves a holistic approach that aligns technology with business objectives, processes, and people. True digital transformation requires a strategic mindset that seamlessly blends technological advancements with human potential. 

Misunderstanding 2: Digital Transformation Is a One-Time Project

Digital transformation is not a finite project with a clearly defined end. Rather, it is an ongoing journey of continuous improvement and adaptation. Some organizations make the mistake of treating it as a one-time initiative, failing to recognize that technology and customer expectations are constantly evolving. To stay ahead, organizations must embrace a mindset of perpetual innovation and agility, incorporating digital transformation into their long-term business strategies. 

Misunderstanding 3: Neglecting the Importance of People

To drive digital transformation successfully, organizations must prioritize employee engagement, involvement, and empowerment. This involves providing comprehensive training programs, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and establishing clear communication channels to keep employees informed and involved in the digital journey. By involving employees from the early stages of planning, organizations can tap into their valuable insights, experiences, and expertise to shape the digital strategy and ensure a smoother transition. 

Misunderstanding 4: Digital Strategy Is Only Relevant to IT Departments

Digital strategy is not confined to the IT department alone. It impacts every facet of an organization, from customer experience and marketing to operations and supply chain management. To harness the full power of digital transformation, decision-makers must foster cross-functional collaboration and break down departmental silos. By involving stakeholders from various domains, organizations can create a cohesive digital strategy that aligns with their overall business objectives. 

Misunderstanding 5: Strategy Takes a Backseat to Technology

In the rush to adopt the latest technological advancements, some organizations overlook the importance of strategy itself. Technology is a means to an end, and without a well-defined strategy, organizations risk investing in solutions that do not align with their goals. A solid digital strategy provides the roadmap for successful transformation, ensuring that technology initiatives are purposeful, targeted, and contribute to overall business growth. 


Most of these misunderstandings come from underestimating the digital transformation process, as it is a complex process with several dimensions: technology, strategy, and people. However, it is equally vital to understand that it is not a one-time process but that an effective digital strategy implies being aware of the dynamic environment in which we find ourselves, with new technologies appearing, new economic landscapes, new customer needs, and consumption habits, and different business objectives. 

If you are looking to build a comprehensive and tailored digital strategy, it is important to work with the right partner. At Inclusion Cloud, we have digital strategy specialists who will help you transform your organization and adapt it to the digital age. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you! 

Inclusion Cloud: We have over 15 years of experience in helping clients build and accelerate their digital transformation. Our mission is to support companies by providing them with agile, top-notch solutions so they can reliably streamline their processes.